
Display | Video | OTT | Digital Audio | Out-of-Home | Social 




Instead of sending a display banner or video ad to just anyone on the internet, Programmatic Ad Buying allows you to place your ad in front of your target audience at the right time with the right message.

Partnered with 55+ data companies, we build profiles based on audience behavior, demographic, interests, and more.

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Data-layered Demographic Targeting

Reach beyond the traditional search engine ad placement to the sites your consumers spend the most time on.

Place your banner or video ad in front of a controlled audience using demographic data-filters. Using data insights, we can determine which demographics are more likely to engage with your ad. Don’t limit yourself to one demographic - combine multiple groups to guarantee impressions and increase brand awareness with higher quality engagement.


Geo-Radius Targeted Marketing

Programmatic advertising drives your business across your potential clients browsing journey. Don't waste your budget of targeting the wrong clients. Our programmatic advertising approach is data driven based on your location

A vital element of programmatic advertising is geo-radius targeting. Gone are the days of recklessly displaying your ad to such a wide net of people that you lose quality site visitors.

Don’t waste your money on ads that your clientele will overlook; our experts understand modern audiences and use the creativity you need to make your ads stand out.


High-Frequency in Local Markets

Frequency drives engagement. Programmatic advertising strategically places your ad in front of customers at a frequency they can’t ignore. Through a series of statistical analyses, our team of analysts will show you what the industry standards are and where you are in comparison. With each analysis, we will show you the next steps on how to increase your frequency in your market.

Providing you with the data needed to drive your business forward is just one of the ways our experts can ensure you get increased website traffic from the customers you are trying to reach.


Account Analysts

While the data will help make the decision, our analysts are here to interpret the insights and make sure the data aligns with your business goals. Continually strategizing to keep your business on track, our experts will make sure that your comprehensive marketing plan is working for you.

Each account analyst dives deep into your account to understand its story to the fullest. We work to save you time by synthesizing all of the data your site produces. With our in-house data visualization software, our analysts will provide a translation of your marketing data and what it means to you and your business.

Data reports are commonly cryptic and arduous, but our professionals take a different approach. With our pairing of creativity and transparency, you can escape traditionally tedious data reporting for a more engaging and effective method of data analysis.