LeadsCon 2019 RECAP

What is LeadsCon?

LeadsCon is the world’s largest Performance Marketing conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The primary focus of this conference is increasing quality leads and nurturing them to grow your business. Some of the industry’s leading experts discuss their research, upcoming trends and tools that provide lead generation, while introducing thought-provoking concepts that are applicable to our customers. While the conference offers solutions for a variety of marketing avenues including direct mail, email marketing, influencer marketing and digital marketing, we had one key takeaway:

Online video is the most effective tool for lead generation.

Here’s what you need to know:

As most of us know, marketing to millennials and Gen Z can be somewhat tricky. Brands are constantly reinventing themselves to grab the attention of the on-the-go online shopper who often make split-second decisions. With their purchasing power continuing to skyrocket, we’re left with the question - what digital marketing technique actually works?

According to Snapchat’s Head of US Global Online Sales, Mark McMaster, millennials average income is around $55K, with an increasing $3 trillion disposable income. Hence, why their purchasing power is continuing to grow. So, how do we reach this growing consumer market?


Quick Facts:

  • 186 million people use Snapchat daily

  • 81% are over 18

  • Avg. user spends 30 minutes a day on Snapchat, opening the app 20 times a day

  • 42% of those users do NOT have access to Facebook

Based on these facts, it’s clear to see that putting your message in front of these customers is fairly easy to do if you have the right delivery. The most effective way to increase brand awareness and engage your customers is through Snap Ads, a short video clip that gives life to your brand and delivers a quick message to your desired consumer.  Then, incorporate an interactive element by encouraging the viewer to swipe-up for more information.

How do you generate compelling content?

When it comes to video, it’s all about the emotional transformation that the viewer experience. According to Microsoft’s Director of Storytelling and Corporate Communications, Ben Tamblyn, bringing emotions to your videos not only builds your brand but it drastically increases the likelihood a user will engage with your business.

Instead of boring your customers with case study after case study, capture your audience by telling a story through an event. For instance, if your company participates in a community event, focus your story on the value of helping your community while also showing employee involvement.

Another way of creating content is to interview your sales team. What sales pitches are they using? Pull content from these interviews and pair with elements that bring emotion to the viewer, and you’ve got yourself a high-converting video.

Why is video important?

We’re lazy. At the end of the day, people just want an easy way to download information into their brain. Video is a very easy way to simplify complex problems that offers a compelling solution. You’re not only engaging your audience, but you’re educating prospects while maximizing marketing spend.

Video also brings authenticity to your brand. Customers are more likely to engage with a brand who genuinely demonstrates the values held by the company. For instance, an outdoor retail company should use video clips of real employees participating in outdoor activities. It’s not always necessary to flood the viewers with sales pitches and products, but building value and trust between the customer is.

What does this mean for you?

What’s the point in creating compelling ad content if it doesn’t reach the intended audience? Our programmatic team is dedicated to analyzing trends within each industry whether it’s healthcare, automotive, retail, etc, and creating a custom strategy for your business. Using multiple data filters, we’re able to deliver your message to the exact buyer you’re trying to reach while saving ad dollars. We can determine which demographics are more likely to engage with your video ad. Don’t limit yourself to one demographic - combine multiple groups to guarantee impressions and increase brand awareness with higher quality engagement.

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